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AI in Drug Discovery and Brazil's $4B investment

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I went to a book signing for Cheryl Goodman's new book about AI. She helps people who aren't very tech-savvy understand the complex world of AI. Check out her book “How to Win Friends and Influence Robots” if you get the chance.

This Week's Highlights

  • The Role of AI in Drug Discovery

  • The Potential of a Personal CRM

  • Brazil's $4 Billion Investment in AI Technology

  • A Conservation Success at the L.A. Zoo with the Condors

Exploring the Rollercoaster World of AI in Drug Discovery

Source Gen Eng News

AI-powered drug discovery is like a rollercoaster - exciting but uncertain. After initial enthusiasm and investments, many startups are merging or going back to traditional biotech methods.

Financial hype leads to unrealistic expectations about what technology can achieve, causing setbacks and slowing down medical progress.

Some companies, like Insilico Medicine, are making progress in this field. They use AI to make drug discovery faster and more successful. Their tool, ‘Science42:DORA’, helps write scientific documents. This aims to lighten researchers' loads so they can focus on innovative aspects.

DORA is already being used in collaborations like one with the University of Copenhagen, where it helped draft a study on radiotherapy outcomes. Insilico plans to launch a free trial of DORA later this year to make advanced AI tools more accessible to researchers.

AI's path in drug discovery has challenges, but its potential rewards make it worthwhile.

Brazil's Bold Leap into AI: $4 Billion Game Plan

Source Reuters

Exciting news! Brazil's government launched a $4 billion AI investment plan. It aims to create sustainable and socially aware AI solutions in areas like health, agriculture, and education.

Why is this important? Brazil is boosting its tech independence and global AI status by aiming for national AI sovereignty. This reduces reliance on foreign AI tech.

Brazil plans to invest in various sectors from 2024 to 2028. They will allocate 14 billion reais for business innovation and over 5 billion reais to build AI infrastructure. The remaining funds will support training, improve public services, and regulate AI.

Brazil's bold plan aims to make it a leader in AI technology in Latin America.

One more 🙂 : LA Zoo Breaks Record for Condors Hatched in a Season with 17 Ugly-Cute Chicks Poised to Bolster Species. The zoo just wrapped up its 2024 California condor breeding season with a record-smashing 17 chicks hatched, all set to spread their wings in the wild as part of the California Condor Recovery Program. The final chick of the season hatched in June, bringing the total above the previous record of 15 set in 1997.

Personal CRM for Better Networking

In today's world, networking is essential for career growth and business success. Table, your personal CRM, simplifies and enhances your connections. It automatically imports and updates your contacts, sends reminders, and helps you track interactions.

Analogy Creator

Come up with an analogy to explain to a total beginner  cryptocurrency, include 3 most famous terms NFT, Bitcoin, and crypto wallet:

Term 1: Understanding NFT
Term 2: Understanding Bitcoin
Term 3: Understanding Crypto Wallet

You can adapt the prompt to your specific needs.

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Until Next Time, Cubs! - Mama Bear